Are you navigating the challenges of ghosting in therapy. I invite you to tap into the phenomenon of ghosting in therapy to get a better sense of the underpinnings of it. Read more here.
Merging of Oneself with One’s Professional Endeavors
Have you ever felt burned out, unmotivated, overworked, stressed out, or guilty about your work. Have you felt like you were sacrificing your personal needs for work, or lacking a sense of purpose? If yes, I hope that this article might bring you some clarity. Photographed by Jacopo Marchio
Yoga is one of the most versatile and beneficial forms of exercise, which has prompted people of all ages and abilities to try it out. Sheila Johnson shares some tips on how to make your yoga routine more fun and exciting. Read more… Photographed by Suta Rahady
The Power of Authentic Self-Esteem
I am delighted to share this article on the meaning of authentic self-esteem and other-esteem – a wonderful and insightful take by psychotherapist and marriage counselor Mel Schwartz; a reminder to stay true to ourselves on the quest for a self-empowered life. Read more… Artwork by Katie Ponder
A Memory of Perfect Health
I am delighted to share this article on the meaning of authentic self-esteem and other-esteem – a wonderful and insightful take by psychotherapist and marriage counselor Mel Schwartz; a reminder to stay true to ourselves on the quest for a self-empowered life. Read more… Artwork by Katie Ponder
The Child Yet-to-be-Born
In this paper, I explore the topic of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) along with its pre- and post-procedural medical and psychological effects. The paper offers a new perspective on ART that looks at fertility clinics as a holding environment for potential parents and as the first holding environment for the yet-to-be-born child. Read more…
Redefining Clarity
This week I felt inspired to write this blog post on redefining clarity. At times it feels uneasy to find a peace of mind while being pulled into different directions on an everyday basis. Read more…
Healthy Communication
My evolving sense of individuality as an immigrant, as well as my current work with people as a psychotherapy trainee, are built upon communication – sometimes healthy, sometimes not as much. This is why I thought it would be interesting to share some of my thoughts about communication. Read more… Photographed by Rafael Lange
I came to realize that sometimes we formulate our opinions from a place of preconceived assumptions – from the place of unknown. To shed light on something and explore new ways of understanding may be pushing us from our zone of comfort. Thus we choose to retrieve and stay in the place of the known […]
The Multiplicity of Truths
Do you consider that the truth is one-sided, or there is a multiplicity of truths? Find out my humble take on this topic, which is reflective of my experience being in a graduate social work program and receiving training at the psychoanalytic institute. Read more… Image retrieved from
Sexism & Heterosexism
Did you know – women comprise half of the world’s population? Women’s achievements and contributions in the fields of business, science, or sports are often puzzling, as if they are somewhat abnormal. Lenses of male-female dichotomy lead to widespread discrimination against women and LGBTQI people. I wonder why is it still happening? Read more… Illustration […]
Have you ever thought about the importance of kids’ play? I have not until recently… The play is a cherished part of childhood that offers children important developmental benefits and parents the opportunity to fully engage with their children. However, multiple forces are interacting to effectively reduce many children’s ability to reap the benefits of […]
Prana ~ Apana
In the physical practice of yoga, our approach to the body becomes expansive and poetic. We allow our awareness to drop deep inside by considering the body to be a vast landscape, or even a universe unto itself, replete with the pull of physical forces and the interactions of elements. In various postures (asana) different […]
Difficult Client
“Treatment relationship is a human relationship,” says Carolyn Saari. While considering a patient-therapist relationship, we have to look at it as a dual relationship, parties of which consistently and dynamically influence each other. While the patient may experience specific issues and difficulties that made him/her reach out for professional help and support, it is paramount […]
Post-Traumatic Growth
Psychologists have long studied resilience— the ability to bounce back and move on. But post-traumatic growth, which has been documented in hundreds of studies, is different; it’s what happens when trauma changes and deepens life’s meaning – not everyone experiences growth after trauma. In recent years, psychologists have studied survivors of cancer, war, and terrorist […]
Love & Chemistry
Love is a complex neuropsychological and physiological phenomenon. On a physiological level, people who fall in love experience an increase in heart rate, sweaty palms, heavy breathing and so on. Also, there are complex neuropsychological processes such as reward and pleasure activities, trust, attachment, which are known as limbic processes. From the evolutionary standpoint, all […]
What is forgiveness? Have you ever experienced the beauty of it? My short reflection is an inspiration from the book “Why Forgive” by Johann Christoph Arnold. True heart opening combination of life stories of people who no longer wanted to carry the weight of the sadness and who no longer wanted to be victims of the situation…
On Mindfulness & Meditation
Over the past year, I have been experimenting both experientially and intellectually with the concepts of mindfulness and meditation. What might be the challenges to practicing mindfulness and taking a mindful approach to life in today’s society as opposed to practicing mindfulness in an ancient Eastern society? What are the benefits of a conscious approach […]